Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Journey Begins!

Evening! I'm about to embark on a journey that right now is freaking me out a little!

So...I'm giving up my current job and jumping into the unknown again! It's not a straight forward decision, no one (at least no one with bills to pay and a child/children to support) wakes up one morning and with no further thought hands in their notice. For me it was a matter of wanting something more out of my life than work and more work. I have a child, a lovely little boy but I was spending far more time working than I should! I realised that I was finding it hard to even find time to help my son with his homework some nights because I was too busy. 'In a minute' became my mantra and 'maybe later' was another common half hearted effort, I feel terrible about it and its time to make a change!

So...Having already been self employed for many years before I retrained for my current job I am about to make the leap again. Only this time....It's time to learn from all the mistakes I made before (we all make them, some huge, some don't matter as much as you thought at the time). I'm going to share with you my journey as I quit the 9-5 again and share with you all that I learnt the first time around on how to do it so that you can do it too and skip some of the mistakes!

Here goes...come along for the ride and let me know your experiences too!!
Much love
Nova xx

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