Friday, 2 August 2013

What Nick Hewer said when I asked him about small business

Nick Hewer of Apprentice fame is answering questions on running a small business today and he was kind enough to answer the question I put to him on behalf of quitting the 9 to 5 readers. I asked: 'What do you think is the most common misconception people have when they decide to start a small business?' This is his reply...

Hi Nova Woodrow. I believe that people think that running your own business is always easy and well paid. The reality is that whilst running your own business is the best thing you will ever do, there are some really tough times. For instance, you have a tremendous responsibility not just for the people you employ, but also for your customers and those that supply you with products and services. In hard times, like today, the owner of a small business has a duty to preserve as best he/she can the jobs of the employees, and the boss must take the first wage cut. But in good times, the benefits of owning your own business flow through - can there be any greater satisfaction than being in charge of your own destiny? Regards, Nick.

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