Tuesday, 28 May 2013

I missed the sun!!

So I've missed all the sun this weekend, having buried myself joyfully in work and now that I have decided to stop for a day it starts to rain...marvellous! I didn't even get my washing on the line, it's sat in the washing basket all damp and needs washing again....that'll teach me....

Making the most of your time is tricky no? Either you (or maybe it's just me) are working when you should be playing or playing when you should be working.

My theory was that whilst my son was at his Dad's for a bit of half term fun I would get loads done and have the rest of the holiday free to be a wonderfully perfect mother *ahem*. As it turns out I have done a ton of work but all of it has been Coaching work and none of it towards the other day job...arghhh.

So another day of work beckons before the boy returns tomorrow, this time its report writing, assessments, marking and planning...wish me luck and don't come close, that washing is starting to have a musty smell...

How are you getting on with the old work/life balance? Let me know!

Love Nova xxx

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