Friday, 31 May 2013

Friday Thought for the Week....

Every Friday I am endeavoring to come up with a post/quote/exercise to carry out that will give you some food for thought over the weekend that will help you towards your Quitting the 9 to 5 dream.

Click on the email box on the blog and this Friday thought will ping straight into your email box so you always get it - hurrah *ahem*.

So my Friday thought for today is along the themes that I have looked at this week:

If you could wake up happy and raring to go every Monday morning, what would have to be happening throughout your working week to make you feel this way?

Think about all the things that would make your workplace, you work colleagues, your customers and your job absolutely amazing. Picture it, walk around the office (or wherever you work) in your mind seeing happy faces and feel the excitement brewing as though you all know that this is the start of something fresh, new and adventurous. Keep this feeling as long as you can and repeat it throughout the weekend. I'll be doing it too!

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Love Nova xxx

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