Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Myth of Being in the Spotlight

How would it feel to be in the spotlight? How would it feel to place yourself in a position where you were the main event? Where all eyes are on you? Where people were hanging on your every word, waiting for your command, wanting you to take the lead?

Is it exciting? Terrifying? Daunting? Somewhere in between?

Would you run a mile from being in that position or do you want to work your way up to that but haven't quite plucked up the nerve yet?

Being in the spotlight is a place of vulnerability, it opens us up to criticism, to greater responsibility, to commitment and to power and it can feel like a very scary place to be that many of us shy away from.

Often we take jobs that allow us to hide a little, that allow us to stay in the background more whilst we ponder on the role or the business we really want to be in and watch others do well at...this is actually particularly true when what we actually want is something totally different to what we currently do. It may not matter to you to be in the spotlight in your role as a Manager for example but if what you really wish you could do is speak in front of hundreds on a big stage about what you truly feel passionate about you suddenly feel afraid - even though this is what you want more than the job as the Manager. Our real purpose and our real passions can be the hardest things to step into because they hold the most meaning for us and not getting them would be a bigger blow. But if we never even try then we are GUARANTEED to never get there.

The myth though is that we can avoid being in the spotlight, that we can avoid our fears of being who we are and shouting about it, that we are able to avoid responsibility, criticism, or power - because everything we do reflects to the world who we are, every thought we have or word we speak has power...being in the spotlight is totally unavoidable so be sure the spotlight is shining in the place you want it to, the place of truth of who you are.

The shy girl who says very little to others may assume she is never in the spotlight, but she is still noticed as the 'shy girl'...'oh she is the one who never says much and keeps herself to herself'...she has been recognised, only maybe not for who she really is, the shy girl is still in the spotlight only the light is shining on one aspect of her and the rest remains hidden. She may wish it to be this way but she has not avoided being seen, noticed or talked about...she is still in the spotlight. Maybe what she actually wants is to share her wealth of knowledge with others but she is afraid that people won't listen so the spotlight stays on her shyness and we are denied access to the rest of her light - more than that she is denied access to it as well...

So the question is not 'will I be seen?' but 'how do I want to be seen?'

If you long to be able to stand and deliver to others - if you want to shout about who you are and what you feel passionate about whether it is through writing, speaking, teaching, offering service - if you want to be heard and to deliver your message and to pass on to others what you know to be true for you...then don't be afraid of the are already in it, just not being shown in your full light and your full light is your best light so let it shine as brightly as it can.

Whatever you do for a living you are still going to be accountable, responsible and open to criticism for your role. You can do anything in the world and you will still be could be a stagehand in a theatre and stay in the darkness and anonymity most of the time when a play is being performed but if you don't get the right thing into the right place at the right time you will be noticed and accountable. So do something that you love, not a thing that is nearly there but feels safer because you are less are never invisible so why not do the thing that you really want to do.

Why not be visible and accountable and responsible and open to criticism for the things you REALLY love, and really matter to you...don't live in the in the moment.... for all our talks and workshops and to find out how to book coaching with Nova and overcome your fears and blocks! 

Love Nova xxx

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