Tuesday, 14 July 2015

A Personal Invitation to You

This invitation is for you, 

for the person reading this who stumbled across it because it was the right time for you to hear the words and the right moment for you to receive this special invitation. I have deliberately not shared this post anywhere or publicised it because it is just for those people who have been led here one way or another and found it just when they need it the most. It's how all the best things have come to me and now I am finding a way to reach you so that you can have that experience too.

This is an personal invitation for you to move forward towards everything that you want in your life, to finally discover what it is that you are meant to do, who you are meant to be and where you are meant to go.

Wherever you are and whatever you do, we can work together to ensure your happiness once more. No one is meant to be sad or lonely, you only need to remember who you are and the whole world will change in response to your remembering. 

I invite you now if you are tired of life not working for you, if you are sad at the way things have turned out, if you are weary from the journey and wondering if those dreams you had are lost forever to contact me and start your path back to the best you possible.

I am here, so are you now...let's go forward together....

Love Nova xxx


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