Sunday, 14 July 2013

The summer of new starts - tips on decision making

So summer is here, for now! I hope everyone has been getting a good dose of sunshine?! It's amazing how differently you can feel with a little more light and warmth. It's been a while since I posted as I have worked non-stop for the past few weeks and the blog sadly got a little neglected. But...this weekend was a surprisingly free from work one and I have a moment to catch-up on the lovely bits of life like writing and sunbathing!! 

So... the summer holidays are upon us which means the real work begins now that I will be earning less from my job which is changing from full time to part time (argh scary!). I have been thinking of a million and one ideas to supplement my income as well as building the life coaching business and writing more books. The big idea has hit me but I have to decide whether to invest in it and make more over time from it or to go the cheap route and make less but invest nothing at all....tricky! 

It got me thinking about how we go about making big decisions and what the best methods are for doing so. I have done my research and bring you the top 5 tips to help you if you are facing any kind of big decision.

1. Relax - it may be the hardest thing for you to do when your head is swimming with various panicky thoughts but you can't be sure of your decision making capabilities unless you are calm and have the space you need to think things through. It doesn't need to be a long time, just a still and calm time. 

2. Be intuitive - Write down your options. Is there more than one answer  to your problem? More than one direction this decision could go in? Write them down. Then intuitively pick the route that calls to you the most loudly. This is probably the decision that will be for your highest good. The route you pick intuitively is the one you most want to do.

3. Be logical - Write down all the possible and likely consequences to your decision. Who will it affect? What will change as a result of the decision? What will have to be sacrificed (if anything), what will be gained and lost? What is the worst and the best that could happen in each of the scenarios? Could you lose money to gain time? Might you have to move house? How do you feel about these options? Do you have support from others if you make one decision but not if you make another? 

4. Pros and cons - For each possible scenario or outcome from your decision write down the pros and cons. This is not simply about choosing the one with the most benefits, it is about seeing in black and white what is important to you. I was once considering moving area, if I had moved there were lots and lots of 'pros'. The 'pros' of staying put were virtually non existent, save for one very important 'pro'. This one 'pro' outweighed all the other 'pros' of moving and so it made my decision for me because I suddenly realised what was most important.

5. Go for it - once you feel that you know which decision to go for with more certainty than you have for the other decision (don't assume that you will feel 100% sure or even need to, before making a decision) then put your all into it. If you go at it halfheartedly you are less likely to make a go of it, more likely to fail and therefore more likely to not trust yourself in future decision making scenarios. This will simply make decision making harder and harder as time goes on. There is something to be said for just tossing a coin and seeing how you feel when it lands - quick decisions can be just as powerful as ones that you think through for months, the worst thing you can do is make no decision at all because nothing will change and change is what you are looking for.

How do you make big decisions? 
Love Nova xxx

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