Saturday, 28 September 2013


How much does luck feature in our lives? How much do we owe to 'fate' or 'serendipity'? Have you ever seen your life take a dramatic change because of something unplanned that came about just because you were in the right place at the right time?

This is something I have been thinking about a lot recently, not least because of the place that luck has had in my own life and the unexpected twists and turns that have come about and changed the course of my life. There have been many chance meetings, chance discussions and opportunities that have suddenly appeared. It has always fascinated me and formed (in part) the basis of the idea for my book. Luck, I have learnt, doesn't come about entirely by chance, you have to be in it to win it as it were! Whenever I am open and whenever I am pushing myself to be in contact with as many people as possible on a regular basis, this is when things start to happen.

My latest exciting opportunity came about at a party. I had not planned to stay long at the party, feeling tired and like I wanted to go home early. In the end I decided to enjoy the moment and ended up staying the entire night! The following morning I was very glad that I did. I got involved in a conversation with someone that led to some fantastic work in a field I feel really passionate about and hope to be able to tell you more about very soon!

I also find that I have to be in a certain frame of mind to be receptive to things, I'm not even sure if I can describe it but maybe you already know what I mean? When I am feeling strong, sociable, confident and positive things move in the right direction without much help from me, they just 'flow'. On the other hand I am sure that there are opportunities that I have missed when I have just not been in this frame of mind for one reason or another. It's impossible to maintain a vibrant sense of optimism all the time but it is during these times of optimism that things come to us, in my experience at least!

If you want to improve your chances of increasing your luck there are plenty of articles on quitting the 9 to 5 that talk about how to improve your mood, have a look and see if this can get you into the mode of 'serendipity'.

What experiences of serendipity have you had in your life? How has it changed your life as a result? 

Love Nova xxx

Friday, 6 September 2013

You are 5 times less likely to EVER feel fear after reading this.

I have been reading a really interesting book called 'Risk' by Dan Gardner. He looks at fear and how it affects our reactions and our memories. It examines how much we are driven by fear and evidently it is quite a lot.

In business and in life it is easy to react to scaremongering that tells you all kinds of facts and figures about the economy and the state of business in general. How often do we read that businesses are failing and things are generally all going wrong? That the end of the world is nigh? That we are all going to die from a terrible new disease? A ridiculous amount of the time. Does this mean though that it is really happening? What can we do to stop ourselves acting out of fear?

The book offers some fantastic insights into the way that our mind works and how we are fooled into believing things simply because our brains are wired to respond in a certain way.

For example: 

Which seems scarier?

  • You have a 1 in 100 chance of getting Cancer before the age of 50?

  • You have a 1% chance of getting Cancer before the age of 50?

Apart from the fact that I just made that up, I'm betting that you found the first statistic more worrying. Of course the truth is that they both say exactly the same thing. A 1% chance appears to be minuscule, you have a 99% chance of NOT getting it. Looking at the first assertion though, you suddenly equate that with real people, do you know 100 people? You probably do, which means one of those people will get it before the age of 50 and that could be you.

Another interesting fact is that although I told you I had made those figures up, part of your brain will recall these figures and start accepting it as a possible truth.

Here is another little challenge:

Was Micheal Jackson over the age of 15 when he died? Wait, that's a bit stupid...ok...How old was Micheal Jackson when he died?

For those of you who didn't google it or who didn't automatically know the answer - you will have been heavily influenced by the fact that I mentioned the number 15, you will have answered  lower in age than if I had first asked if he was over the age of 60 when he died. Even though I said it was stupid to say 15, your brain  will have been influenced as it made a best guess. Astonishing isn't it?!!

This happens when we go into shops - people buy more if there is a sign saying 'purchases limited to 10' and they will buy more than they expected because their brain is thinking '10' instead of say '2'. The number can be completely arbitrary and irrelevant and you will still link with it in some influential way.

So you can see how statistics in the papers and on the news can make us wary and frightened.

50,000 pedophiles are online at any one time, did you know that? 50,000 of them! Someone official said that so it must be true. Actually the truth is that we have no idea how many are online at any one time. This is a real life example of figures gone mad. Lots of different sources quoted this very specific number around the world. It was on the news, in the papers, online etc but the number was never credited to a source. When the original source was finally traced it turned out that it was a comment from someone who took a guess. It may be higher than the actual reality, it may be lower - the fact is, we don't know. It was a guess, a guess that was quoted and re-quoted in so many different places that it became fact. It bred fear, it made people afraid and the fear grew and grew.

Look at what happened with the millennium bug - there were whole news programmes dedicated to following the disaster and nothing happened even though lots of people of influence believed that it would.

Learning how fear works allows you to know that it is a useful, but limited emotion. It holds you where you are and doesn't allow you to move forward or to take risks. Some risks are very real - these are often the ones that we ignore because they happened a long time ago and the most time passes since the last time a risk didn't pay off the more we forget and assume it is safe. Take for example the MMR vaccine. Many many parents (myself included for a while) didn't get the MMR jab because we were told how dangerous it could potentially be in a small number of cases. What we forgot, because it had been so long since anyone died from Mumps or Measles, was how much more of a risk these diseases were compared to the small risk of a link to Autism. As a result the logic got twisted as a result of fear mongering and Measles again became a real risk and even resulted in deaths. The Autism scare was eventually shown to be exactly that - a scare, not a reality.

So...fear governs so much of our lives, maybe it is time we stood back and checked the facts, weighed up the logic and break away from the heavy and often inaccurate influences of the media and make our own minds up? What do you think?

Love Nova xxx

Monday, 2 September 2013

Top Ten Ideas for How Every Business Can Benefit from Making a Film!

Here's an idea for all of you who want to promote your business....why not get a DVD made?! You might want to showcase your services to people on your website or through YouTube or you may want to have a physical DVD that you can sell or give out to people as a promotional tool.

Here are my TOP TEN IDEAS for what to do with your DVD

1. Make a 'How To' guide for your target market

Do you make cakes? Do a short cookery programme! Do you sell property? Do a short programme on how to get your property ready for sale! Maybe you are a fitness a short instructional DVD to sell to your customers so they can do the routine at home when they aren't at a class! There are so many possibilities here!

2. Make a training DVD

If you employ staff, if you sell to schools, if you run a franchise and need to train up new recruits, a training DVD can be the perfect way of introducing your business to new staff or to further train people that buy your services.

3. Showcase yourself

If you are your business you will need to create a brand that centres around you. If you are a public speaker, a healer, an actor, a writer, an artist or anything that involves selling yourself then use a DVD to show the world who you are and talk about what you do. Introduce yourself on a personal level to many more people than you can meet in person by creating a personal message that you communicate through the medium of a short film. You can then direct your customers to your film so that they can learn more about you and your style of communication.

4. Explain what you do

Perhaps you want to back up your marketing materials with something that is more immediate and easy to digest? Why not explain your services through a advertorial type of DVD? You can tell and show at the same time. One big advantage of this is that you are creating an intimacy with potential customers, they will have met you on screen, seen your premises on screen and perhaps met some of your staff - this can make a customer feel much more comfortable contacting you because they feel like they already know you on a different level to just having read about you on a screen.

5. Make a fictional film or a documentary to show your work in action

Sometimes the best way to show what you do is to document it in action. Maybe you want to create a metaphor that people can relate to and a fictional film can create this for you. If you work with young people you might want to create a fictional tale that relates to the work that you do and explains more about what the outcomes might be and how your services can be transformative. McDonalds made a very successful documentary showing how their burgers are made and why they look different in the pictures than they do in real life. This was a great way of engaging customers and giving them an insight into the business that made them feel like they had a special 'behind the scenes' tour. Or what about making a comedy version of what poor customer service looks like and compare it to the customer service people will receive if they choose your business?

6. Make a video diary

This is similar to a documentary but more of a 'day in the life' idea that can help customers understand the way you approach business. You could follow one of your staff for the day and do a warts-n-all type of film, or you could do a short daily snippet of your thoughts or activities over a month and edit it all together so that people can see what a month is like in terms of all the different things that you do.

7. Create a campaign

This is a fun one to get your teeth into if your business is in a position to support it. Why don't you start a fun campaign and film it? Perhaps you could campaign for people to love their teeth more (if you are a dentist for example), or create a campaign for people to make their grass greener (if you are a landscaper), make their fridays a family day (to promote your destination or restaurant etc), there are a million ideas! By creating a fun campaign you are promoting yourself and your services, giving valuable information out to people (you will need the campaign to be educational in some way for this to work), showing your business as caring and approachable and as the leader of the pack who thought of the campaign in the first place!

8. Raise money

If you run a charity or a social enterprise you can use a DVD to raise money. You could make a heartwarming film, a hard hitting film, a funny film etc and sell it to raise some cash. This can just be within your organisation or can be part of a wider community offering. Show you and your colleagues doing something unexpected - a dance, a song, a play and then sell it to their family and friends to raise some funds.

9. Show the success stories

If you are a hairdresser, why not do a whole lot of before and after stories? Get customers (with their permission of course) to tell you how they feel about the new hairstyle. Maybe you specialise in therapies such as acupuncture and can interview those customers who have had a particularly successful treatment and would love to be an advocate for what you do. If you run a mobile disco business, create a set-up where you can show everyone having a wonderful time (again, with permission). Virtually every business can create a film with satisfied customers to help promote what you do.

10. Introduce a new idea

Do you run workshops? Do you have a new idea that you want to promote? Why not film the workshop and share it with people via a DVD that they can purchase? If you have a new idea that is not well known yet then make a DVD so that people can learn more about it and start talking about it. If you are up for showing yourself as an authority on a certain subject then make a DVD and start selling your expertise to others who might need it. It can be an add on to an existing business or it could be the basis of the business itself - sell your expertise as a course available on a series of DVD's.

But how much will that cost??!

The cost of making a film these days can range from nothing at all (if you have the right equipment) to thousands for a properly edited film with presenters and actors. Geek Media have a very cost effective solution if you are looking for an affordable way of making a professional film that has been put onto DVD for you. They offer 5 days filming, a finished, properly edited film put onto DVD with a bespoke cover design for £10 a DVD. If this interests you please watch the film below (which co-incidentally has me as the presenter ;-)....).